Sunday, April 13, 2014

Photos from Graduation and Trip Home: 4/11 & 4/12

The photo above: Alina Joseph and family - Rafi's foster family :) 
They provided socialization when he was a puppy, as well as basic obedience!

Little sister Dayna accepting Alec's medal for certification as a service dog team

Our class logo, created by classmate Jennifer Kalis

Rafi sporting his official vest!

Rafi hopped in the driver's seat like he knew how to drive!

Rafi's new home in Alec's room - with a good view of Alec's bed :)

Traveling home from Ohio!

Alec & Rafi at 4 Paws

Sleepy Boys - our last night at the hotel

1 comment:

  1. Nana and I met Rafi today and he is everything we expected and more. He is very friendly (he was not "on duty") and managed to knock over a few items within reach of his wagging tail. We are looking forward to our training so we can work with him and Alec.
